How to plan my teaching?

Mari Murtonen

University Researcher Adjunct Professor in University pedagogy

University of Turku

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Taking this module gives you competencies to

- Understand the basic elements of planning of teaching
- Use learning-focused approach in the planning of your teaching
- Plan constructively aligned teaching
- Collaborate with your colleagues in the planning of teaching

Picture of the model presented in the video
Click the image to see the
whole picture of the model
presented in the video.

ARTICLE 1: Postareff, L. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. 2008. Variation in teachers’ descriptions of teaching: Broadening the understanding of teaching in higher education. Learning and Instruction 18 (2008) 109-120.
ARTICLE 2: Trigwell, K. & Prosser, M. 2014. Qualitative variation in constructive alignment in curriculum design. Higher Education 02/2014; 67(2), 141-154.
ARTICLE 3: Entwistle, N. & Nisbet, J. 2013. The nature and experience of academic understanding. The Psychology of Education Review 37 (1), 5—14.

© University of Turku - Unit for University Pedagogy and Research