ABOUT THE PROJECT: UNIPS (University pedagogical support) -project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Opetus - ja kulttuuriminsteriö) and it´s one of the three divisions in the larger thematic project "Enhancing pedagogical and digital teaching and supervision skills in higher education" in Finland. The project is coordinated by University of Turku and the leader of the project is Mari Murtonen, Professor of Higher Education Pedagogy.
THE GOAL is to develop a common learning platform for University Pedagogical studies for partner Universities (University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä, Tampere University, Lappeenranta University of technology, University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu, Aalto University and Hanken School of Economics) in Finland. The idea is based on a University of Turku pedagogical online learning project UTUPS which was created in 2015-2017 with Turku University strategy funding.
PEDAGOGICAL GOALS: The aim is to build an online learning environment that is easy to use and access. There will be relevant and interesting content and the environment will encourage in creation of cooperative knowledge. Development of teachers self-reflection and expert knowledge are certain goals of the learning solution and one of the main goals is to modell pedagogical ideas for teachers.
2017: Planning and development of the modules & planning and starting research
2018: Piloting of the modules, providing modules for larger student groups, mid-term review and collecting data for research
2019: Consolidation of functions, development of new modules and assessment of UNIPS-project

ADDITIONAL INFO: A webinar regarding the UNIPS project was held on November the 5th, introducing and discussing the UNIPS artifact, related research and impact. The full record of this webinar (50min) is available by clicking this link.
ACCOLADES: TYY (The Student Union of the University of Turku) honored the UNIPS project with a table banner in November 2019 for advancing university teacher's pedagogical knowledge.

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