Becoming a teacher
Mari Murtonen
University Researcher
Adjunct Professor in University pedagogy
University of Turku
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Taking this module gives you competencies to
- Reflect your teaching conceptions
- Understand basic learning processes with the aid of pedagogical concepts, such as motivation, metacognition and regulation
- Start planning your teaching to support your students’ learning
Watch the welcoming videos by Murtonen, Pyykkö & Tuominen.
Mari Murtonen
Riitta Pyykkö
Tiina Tuominen
Listen to the videos by university staff who have participated on the pedagogical courses.
Valtteri Kaartemo
Petriina Paturi
Mari Sandell
Kalypso Filippou
Explore all the concepts in the Teachers´ Glossary by watching the short videos and read the articles 1-3.
Additional materials
ARTICLE 1: Eekelen, I., Boshuizen, P. & Vermunt J. 2005. Self-regulation in Higher Education Teacher Learning. Higher Education. 50 (3), 447—471.
ARTICLE 2: Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Komulainen, E., Litmanen, T. & Hirsto, L. (2010). Students’ approaches to learning and their experiences of the teaching-learning environment in different disciplines. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 269–282.
ARTICLE 3: Postareff, L. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. 2011. Emotions and confidence within teaching in higher education. Studies in Higher Education. 36 (7), 799–813.
Read more:
ARTICLE 4: Vermunt, J. & Endedijk, M. 2011. Patterns in teacher learning in different phases of the professional career. Learning and Individual Differences 21 (3), 294—302.
ARTICLE 5: Murtonen, M., Olkinuora, E., Tynjälä, P. & Lehtinen, E. 2008. “Do I need research skills in working life?”: University students’ motivation and difficulties in quantitative methods courses. Higher Education. 56 (5), 599—612.
© University of Turku - Unit for University Pedagogy and Research